Chocolate from Madagascar: Adding Value to Inputs before Exporting
Nimbaya! Drummers from Guinea
A great article on an all-female drumming group from Guinea that performed in NY. They are breaking down barriers by drumming, something traditionally reserved for men, and use their stage time to speak out against female genital mutilation which is performed astonishingly on 98% of women in Guinea.
3D Solar Structures Create More Power
Micro-Bias: If You Want a Kiva Loan, It Helps to Be Pretty and Light-Skinned
"How Mobile Broadband Can Transform Africa"
Mauritania: Slavery's Last Stronghold
“Chains are for the slave who has just become a slave, who has . . . just been brought across the Atlantic,” Boubacar said. “But the multigeneration slave, the slave descending from many generations, he is a slave even in his own head. And he is totally submissive. He is ready to sacrifice himself, even, for his master. And, unfortunately, it’s this type of slavery that we have today” — the slavery “American plantation owners dreamed of.” For a slave to be free, she first must break the shackles in her mind.
To Fix Government, Call in the Geeks
The Washington Well of Hope
Mining in Africa: How Inclusive Solutions Can Mitigate Risk
This blog will chronicle my experiences as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guinea.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
~Mark Twain