“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

~Mark Twain

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Welcome to my blog

So I don't have all that much to say, but I wanted to get this up and running before I get to Guinea where the internet will undoubtedly be slower. So to get this ball rolling...some frequently asked questions.

What will you be doing?
I am a community economic development volunteer which means that my primary focus will be develop business and business skills in Guinea. I could be doing any combination of teaching business skills to artisans and youth, working with micro-finance organizations to provide access to credit, helping small business grow, ect. I will also have the opportunity to take on projects outside of my area of expertise and to collaborate with other volunteers who are working in agro-forestry and education. When I get to the country, I will be partnered with an organization already in the country to also help support their projects.

Where is New Guinea?
New Guinea is a pacific island. Guinea, or more specifically Guinea-Conakry, where I will be going is in Sub-Saharan West Africa. It borders Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, & Cote D'Ivoire. It is home to 10 million people and 24 ethnic groups.

Are you bringing Toilet paper?
This is not so much a frequently asked question, but a question frequently asked by Kelsey. The answer is yes.

Will you have electricity and internet?
I do not know if I will have it daily, but I will have it at least once every 3 months so that is when I will update this blog. During training (my first 3 months) I will have it everyday!

If you don't have internet, how can we communicate?
I can send and receive mail. My address is:

Meghan McCormick

Corps de la Paix
BP 1927 Conakry
République de Guinée (West Africa)

Why is that address in French?
Guinea is a French speaking country. While there, I will do most of my work in French and most of my communication is a local language.

That's it for now!

A bientot,

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